Manufacturing Quality Die Castings

Tianhui Machine is a global manufacturer of die casting metal parts. We offer a comprehensive range of die casting services to suit a variety of needs and requirements.

Die casting is a metal forming process. Molten metal is poured into a mold to create parts with high precision, intricate details and perfect fit. Die cast parts are popular in automotive, aerospace components, power equipment, lighting, firearms and several other industries.

Die cast parts are mass produced in a variety of metal alloys, including aluminum, zinc, copper, brass and bronze alloys.

Once the component is die cast, it can be further finished through CNC machining. Surface treatment is usually performed through processes such as shot peening, texturing, electroplating and painting.


Die Casting Process


Pressure Die Casting

In pressure die casting, also known as high pressure die casting (HPDC), a plunger is used to force molten metal into the die cavity at high pressure, ensuring that the metal fills all the intricate details of the die.

Pressure die casting is commonly used for:

*Electric vehicle (EV) components
*Motor accessories
*Outdoor lighting fixture components


Gravity Die Casting

In gravity die casting, molten metal is poured into a mold by gravity. The process typically produces parts with tight tolerances and a good surface finish, suitable for high-volume production.

Our gravity die casting services are often used for:

*Reduction gearbox housings
*Communication equipment housings
*Engine components (cylinder heads, pistons and intake manifolds)

Why Use Precision Die Casting?

Here are some reasons to consider precision die casting over other manufacturing processes:

*It is efficient and economical for high-volume production.
*It can create a variety of complex shapes and components.
*Die castings have a long service life.
*Die cast parts have tight tolerances and dimensional accuracy.
*There are a variety of finishing techniques.
*Automated processes ensure consistency in the finished product.

Die Casting Types Offered

Tianhui Machine uses the latest die casting machines and works with the best die casting companies to provide high-quality, on-demand parts for a wide range of industries. Our products focus on two main types of die casting: hot chamber casting and cold chamber casting. Both types can produce parts with complex geometries, close tolerances, and strong mechanical properties.

Hot Chamber Die Casting

The hot chamber die casting process, also known as gooseneck casting, is the most popular die casting process. It is best suited for alloys with lower melting points, such as zinc, magnesium, and lead. Metal is poured into a holding pot and then heated with a hot chamber die casting until the metal melts through a furnace that is connected or built into it. A feature of the hot chamber system is that the gooseneck forms a holding chamber inside the pot and a nozzle-like channel that connects to the injection chamber in the fixed half of the mold. A plunger located above the chamber allows it to be filled with molten metal from the holding pot.

When the chamber is filled with metal, the plunger descends and forces the molten material along the gooseneck into the mold cavity. The mold is held together under pressure while the metal cools and solidifies in the mold. Once the metal is cool enough, the mold opens and the casting is ejected by an ejector pin.

Cold Chamber Die Casting

In the cold chamber die casting process, the die casting chamber is kept at room temperature and there is no holding pot for molten metal. The metal is melted in a separate furnace and then manually poured into the shot chamber through a pouring hole using a spoon. In cold chamber die casting, the mold is directly connected to the shot chamber and no plunger system is used. Instead, the plunger forces the molten metal into the mold and maintains high pressure as the metal solidifies. This type of die casting is suitable for materials with relatively high melting points, such as aluminum.

Die Casting Applications

Tianhui Machine specializes in manufacturing precision die castings for a wide range of industries. Our customers include some of the most successful companies in the world, from Fortune 500 companies to small family businesses.

Die Casting Advantages and Alternatives

Die Casting

*High Productivity:

Die casting is highly efficient for large-scale production and can cast complex parts at high speeds.

*Dimensional Accuracy:

It offers excellent dimensional accuracy and tight tolerances, making it suitable for precision components.

*Surface Finish:

Die casting produces parts with a smooth surface finish, reducing the need for additional machining.

*Precision and detail:

Investment casting can produce complex and highly detailed parts with excellent surface finish.


Suitable for a wide range of metals, including ferrous and nonferrous alloys.

*Low material waste:

Because the mold is simply a thin ceramic shell, the process produces minimal material waste.


Suitable for a wide range of metals and alloys, providing flexibility in material selection.

Low Cost:

Initial tooling and setup costs are typically lower compared to investment casting and die casting, making it cost-effective for small to medium production batches.

Large Components:

Suitable for casting large and heavy components due to the adjustability of the mold size.

We Can Provide More Manufacturing Services

In addition to the above die casting services, we can also provide value-added services for post-casting processes. Some of them are completed at our long-term partners, but some are produced in our in-house workshop.

*Deburring and cleaning

*Shot peening/sandblasting

*Heat treatment: annealing, normalizing, quenching, tempering, carburizing, ammonia peening

*Surface treatment: passivation, anodizing, electroplating, hot-dip galvanizing, zinc plating, nickel plating, polishing, electrolytic polishing, painting, GeoMet, Zintec.

*CNC machining: turning, milling, lathe machining, drilling, honing, grinding.

Tianhui Machine provides a full range of die casting solutions. If you would like to learn more about our technology and die casting process capabilities, please contact us today.